When Should A Student Start Looking Into Scholarships? Scholarship Prep 101


A scholarship is one great way to easily go through college abroad with someone else bearing the financial burdens.

Many students look forward to landing one for this reason. But when should a student start looking into scholarships? The short answer is: as soon as possible! As tuition expenses continue to rise, scholarships can provide significant assistance to both students and parents.

Whether you want to be the recipient of a prestigious scholarship or simply fill in some financial gaps, this piece will help you choose the optimum time to begin applying.

Why Apply For Scholarships?

What is a scholarship and how does it work? A scholarship application is a fantastic opportunity to receive free money without having to repay anything.

Furthermore, it can keep you from drowning in college loans. It’s like receiving free money without having to pay it back.

Many students stop before starting because they are concerned about the competitive nature of scholarships. But sometimes there are few candidates.

There have been situations where students sit on scholarship committees with only a few applications. Some organizations even contact schools to encourage students to apply.

Applying for scholarships provides various benefits, including the possibility of receiving one, eliminating financial problems, and allowing students to focus on their studies. Many students have dropped out of college owing to financial concerns or thoughts of being a burden.

Scholarships might also provide access to exciting options, such as study abroad programs. If you are wondering how to get a scholarship to study abroad, keep in mind that, depending on the scholarship, they may cover all or part of the costs connected with studying abroad.

Also, scholarships are not just for the brightest students or the best athletes. There are numerous scholarships available for the typical student, some based on personal interests, heritage, or the desired course of study.

One thing to remember is that while institutions provide the majority of scholarships, private scholarships can help address financial shortages. Only a few students will be awarded full-ride scholarships, so seeking private scholarships to fill any gaps is an excellent option.

So, why apply for a scholarship? Applying for scholarships can help you lower your debt, boost your chances of success, and assure a brighter future.

Timeline for Scholarship Application

Starting early is critical to securing scholarships. Most students begin looking for scholarships around their senior year. However, truth be told, your child should begin much sooner.

To construct the greatest scholarship chest possible, you’ll need to get started early.

Begin the habit of studying and applying for scholarships in ninth and tenth grades, increasing the effort as they approach senior year.

Make it an enjoyable family weekend event, and provide incentives to push your students. It’s exhausting labor, but once they earn their first scholarship, they’ll be hooked.

If your child is already a junior or senior, there is still time to apply for a scholarship. Scholarship searches can begin at any point in high school and should continue throughout college to get scholarships. Each year your child attends college, they should apply for as many outside (private) scholarships as feasible.

9th and 10th Grades

Students can begin looking for scholarship options through community organizations (e.g., foundations, Rotary), their school, and other locations where they may volunteer or work. Students can store their searches by registering for an account. If they are eligible, they may apply.

As a parent, you may make the scholarship search enjoyable in the early years (grades 9 and 10) to help your child develop the habit of finding and applying for scholarships. You might set up a reward system or help them understand how scholarships can help them go their dream institution.

In tenth grade, students should continue to study scholarships and apply for those for which they qualify.

They can keep building their scholarship portfolio by applying for smaller, less competitive scholarships. Before you know it, you’ll have enough to last a semester, a year, and so on.

You’d be amazed how many students pass up minor scholarships because they believe it’s not worth their time. However, this could work in your benefit.

11th Grade – Junior

In eleventh grade, students should continue (or begin) applying for scholarships. As students draw closer to senior year, more scholarships will become available to them.

Many scholarships become available in the spring and fall, with deadlines falling between those timeframes. Students should apply for any scholarships for college that they qualify for.

If the deadline has passed, they should make a note of it and apply during their senior year.

Waiting until senior year to begin will be an exercise in frustration, adding to the stress you will feel throughout application season.

12th Grade – Senior Year

Most high school seniors can apply for scholarships starting in the late summer or early fall. Many of these scholarships will have deadlines within the same timeframe.

The summer before senior year is an excellent time to start putting together some of the materials needed for your application packet.

This way, students won’t be overwhelmed when they return to school in the fall, right in the midst of college application season.

In general, students should continue to search for and apply for scholarships until they graduate from college. Certain scholarships are renewable, while others are not.

What Do You Look Out For in a Scholarship?

Many students’ post-high school experience includes attending a renowned university. Here are ten things to look for in a scholarship so you can increase your chances of receiving financial support for your education.

1. Is it a partial scholarship or a full ride?

Before you begin the application process, determine how much the scholarship is worth. Is it a “full ride scholarship,” which means the entire cost of your tuition will be covered?

Or is it a partial scholarship, which means it will provide some financial support but you will have to fund yourself to some extent? Even full-ride scholarships do not cover everything: you will still be responsible for “your travel, food, books, health insurance, phone calls, and fun.”

2. What type of scholarship is this?

Scholarships are often divided into two categories: merit-based and financial necessity. Merit-based scholarships are awarded based on academic success or a mix of academics plus a unique skill, trait, or passion.

Furthermore, some scholarships are awarded to those who belong to a specific group of people or have a known circumstance, such as financial necessity. Financial scholarships are provided based on the need you demonstrate.

3. Apply for many of them

Many people are vying for the same scholarships as you, making it competitive at times. To enhance your chances of receiving a scholarship, you should apply for as many as possible.

Consider applying to organizations that are not typical. For example, many community clubs and civic organizations provide one-time scholarships each year.

4. Does it fit your profile?

Rather than simply emailing your CV to each scholarship that becomes available, take the time to ensure that it is a good fit for you. If not, you’ll end up wasting your time on a scholarship that you won’t receive.

Instead, think outside of the box. The best chances are occasionally found in lesser-known, smaller businesses.

5. Read the eligibility conditions carefully

As previously stated, you do not want to expend energy on an application that is not relevant to you. Take the time to study the fine print and ensure that you are eligible for the scholarship. Some have very strict requirements for how or to whom the money may be awarded.

6. How do I apply?

Each scholarship will have a separate deadline and application requirements. As a result, it is critical that you read each application thoroughly and ensure that you are properly prepared.

Create a plan of dates and requirements for each scholarship to ensure that you complete everything on time.

7. How do I get the money?

Each scholarship determines how you will get your money. Some scholarships will be paid directly to your university and applied to any tuition, fees, or other outstanding balances.

Alternatively, it could be sent to you via check. The scholarship provider should provide this information when the scholarship is awarded.

8. How does it influence your other aids?

A scholarship can affect the amount of financial help you are able to receive. If you are given a scholarship, you should contact your university’s financial assistance office as soon as possible. Be open with them about the quantity of money you receive.

9. Understand what the panel/university is looking for

Before you get started, thoroughly consider the scholarship’s requirements, such as the essay prompt. Identify any key terms, questions, or prompts and use them throughout your application process.

10. International Students

Many students want to study abroad, but finding funds might be tough.

As a result, before you board an aircraft for another country, look into scholarships to help support your studies there. Check with your school’s international or study abroad office to see if you qualify for any scholarships. You can read more on how to get a scholarship to study abroad.


Getting a scholarship to a university or college is a big decision. As a result, it is worthwhile to spend some time researching potential scholarships and how they may assist you in obtaining your desired degree.

If you’re wondering, “When should a student start looking into scholarships?” this piece tells you all you need to know. If you put in the effort, you might be pleasantly surprised with the results.


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