In the present generation, where everyone is overcome by the activities of society, it is often very difficult to strike a balance between daily activities and spiritual development. Every Christian understands the importance of reading the scripture for spiritual growth, understanding the purpose of God in our lives, and building our faith. However, with so many activities taking our time and energy, we can easily neglect Bible study.
But can it be made possible to have Bible study as a lifestyle? Let me introduce you to the SOAP method of Bible study, a very useful method which can liberate worlds.
In this article, we will take a closer look at the SOAP method of Bible study, discussing each element in detail and offering guidance on how to apply SOAP consistently when studying the Bible. Whether you are a regular Bible reader or just getting into the Faith, this method is capable of redefining your fellowship with the Lord.
What Is The SOAP Method?

SOAP is a straightforward yet versatile approach to solo Bible study. It is an acronym that is composed of four sections, namely: Scripture, Observation, Application, and Prayer. This method provides a way that people can study scripture and move from the step of observation through application as well as prayer.
What Is The SOAP Method Of Bible Study?
1. Scripture
The Scripture is the first step in the SOAP method. This includes going through a passage of the Bible to read. It could be a verse or verses, a few lines, or it could extend right down to the chapter level. Here, the focus should be on selecting a passage from the Bible that one feels connected to or something that has to do with one’s everyday life.
In this step, one has to read his/her chosen passage slowly and carefully. In your reading session, you need to look out for certain words, phrases or verses of Scripture that you find interesting. These are normally the portions of the Word of God which the Holy Spirit wants you to concentrate on.
After reading, take time to jot down the verse or verses that touched you. The process of writing them down also aids in strengthening that word in your spirit and also serves as a reference point to what the next actions should be. For example, if you were studying Philippians 4:6-7, you might write:
“Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:6-7)
2. Observation
The next step in the SOAP method is observation. This step involves thinking about what the Scripture you have just written down refers to and what it means. It is a time when one needs to seek answers and search for more meaning.
First, ask yourself the question, “What is going on in this passage?” This question will help you identify who is speaking, to whom, and in what circumstances the verses were written. We should take into consideration the cultural knowledge, history, and context of the transmission of this passage. Such kinds of questions can be useful in attempting to get closer to a real understanding of the context and purpose of the text.
In fact, this step entails taking note of the words that have been repeatedly said, the key points or subjects that have been heavily focused on or literary devices such as metaphor or contrast.
Additionally, think about the connection of the passage to other passages in the Bible. Is there a command to follow, a promise to claim or a truth to believe in? By writing down your observations, particularly the impressions, which may seem rather trivial, you will be able to increase your concentration and gain a better understanding of the text.
For instance, when reading Philippians 4:6-7, one may focus on the fact that Paul is urging people not to be anxious but instead pray to God. You could also note that the peace of God is assured to such individuals and this is stated to be a peace that surpasses all understanding.
3. Application
Application is the third step of the SOAP method and it can be considered as one of the most important steps. This is where you place the things that you have learnt and try to reason how they fit into your life. The Bible is not simply a record of the past, but the living Word of God that is relevant to our everyday lives.
When reading the passage, think as to what the passage has to offer for your current situation. Do you have some aspect of your life, some sphere where you should surrender to the Lord and have more faith? Do you need to perform a certain act in view of the Scripture? Application is about taking the knowledge of the Bible to change our thinking pattern, beliefs and practice.
For example, after reading Philippians 4:6-7 you implement it by making a resolution to pray about your anxiety and concerns more often. You could also decide to pray or give thanks more often, as the passage directs for instance. The application step is where you take hold of a passage in the Bible and fit it into your life.
It is recommended to put the whole of the application in the form of an ‘I will’ statement. For instance, “I will wake up every morning with words of thanksgiving and leave my worries to God. ” This way the application becomes more specific and you will know what actual action to take.
4. Prayer
The last step of the SOAP method of Bible study is Prayer. Prayer is a time to answer what you have read and meditated on in the previous steps. It is a time to engage God in a discussion about the text and pray to Him for an understanding of how to live in light of that passage.
You can make your prayer short with just a few lines or very descriptive if you want it to be. It may be you might pray for courage to implement the application, to understand the Scripture passage or to trust in God. It is also a time to sing to the Lord and to simply express thankfulness for God and for His revelation in Scripture.
For example, after studying Philippians 4:6-7, your prayer might look something like this: “Lord, thank you for teaching us not to worry but in everything to pray to you. Make me fully rely on you on my worries and to be able to experience the peace that you have promised. Help me in order to practice this truth in my life.”
The SOAP method completes its cycle with the prayer step, where you allow God to guide your study, aligning your thoughts and desires with His plan.
Benefits Of The SOAP Method Of Bible Study
The SOAP method offers several benefits that make it an effective tool for Bible study:
- Simplicity: The SOAP method is quite simple, hence, it does not require one to be learned but one only needs to understand the basics of the Bible. Newcomers to Bible reading as well as experienced readers will find SOAP helpful in getting more out of their Bible studies.
- Structured Approach: The method gives insight on how to study the Bible as it guides you through highlighting parts of scripture and applying to one’s own life. This structure is best suited to those who do not know how to start, or what approach to take when studying the Bible.
- Personalization: SOAP helps the participants get a personal perspective and experience of the bible for application in their day to day life. Instead of just reading the Bible and observing it at your own peril, you are applying it in your life.
- Prayer Integration: Prayer in the SOAP method makes it easier to relate your study time with your prayer time with God. They lead you into praying and to look up to God for direction as to how best to apply the scriptures.
- Encourages Daily Study: SOAP is very useful as a method since it takes a shorter time to complete thus enabling Bible study on a daily basis.
Tips For Using The SOAP Method Of Bible Study
To get the most out of the SOAP method, consider the following tips:
- Choose a Regular Time and Location: Make some time and location, where there will not be much interference and consistently dedicate time for being with God.
- Use a Journal: Taking down notes in the form of observation, considered thought, or prayers cements what has been learnt.
- Be Honest and Reflective: The Bible is not for comfort eating, but for the stirring and changing of the heart.
- Pray for Understanding: Pray to the Lord to help you understand the lesson at hand as you go through it.
- Share with Others: Think of an opportunity to explain to a friend, a small group, or a family member whatever you are studying as it would help you learn from them too.
The SOAP Method Of Bible Study is one of the effective tools that people must embrace to develop their relationship with God. As the name suggests, this method of Bible study ensures that the passages being studied are read, observed, applied and prayed on hence giving people a well-rounded approach to the Bible study.