Novus Biologicals Scholarship Program: Eligibility and Application Requirements


The demand for highly skilled individuals is extremely high. Progress in areas such as biotechnology and immunology, as well as the creation of innovative medical cures, relies on upcoming scholars and researchers.  Recognizing this importance, Novus Biologicals, a prominent supplier of antibodies and reagents in the life sciences sector, founded the well-known Novus Biologicals Scholarship Program.

The Novus Biologicals Scholarship Program was launched in 2015 as a demonstration of the company’s dedication to fostering the next generation of leaders in the life sciences. Through providing financial assistance, mentoring, and exposure to industry challenges, the program enables outstanding students to innovate and excel in their fields.

The Roots of the Novus Biologicals Scholarship Program

The idea for the Novus Biologicals Scholarship Program first took shape in the early 2010s, as the company’s leadership team recognized the growing obstacles facing students pursuing degrees in the life sciences. Rising tuition costs, fierce competition for research funding and the ever-increasing complexity of scientific disciplines threaten to erect barriers to entry for many talented individuals.

“We saw an opportunity to make a meaningful difference in the lives of aspiring life scientists,” says Dr. Sarah Wilkins, the company’s Director of Scholarly Initiatives. “As a company that has benefited enormously from the advancements in life sciences research, we felt a deep sense of responsibility to pay it forward and invest in the next generation of innovators.”

Novus Biologicals brought together a group of specialists from various sectors – academia, industry, and scientific non-profit organizations – to assist in developing the structure and criteria for the Novus Biologicals Scholarship Program. The aim was to establish a program that not only offers financial aid to students but also includes mentorship, networking opportunities and exposure to the practical challenges and advancements in the life sciences industry.

Eligibility Criteria

The Novus Biologicals Scholarship Program is open to exceptional students pursuing degrees in a range of life sciences disciplines, including:

  • Undergraduate Scholarship: Bachelor’s degree programs in biology, biochemistry, biotechnology, immunology, or a related life sciences field.
  • Graduate Scholarship: Master’s or doctoral degree programs in biology, biochemistry, biotechnology, immunology, or a related life sciences field.

Importantly, the program’s eligibility criteria extend beyond domestic students, welcoming applications from talented individuals around the world. This commitment to global representation reflects Novus Biologicals’ belief that the life sciences thrive when diverse perspectives and experiences are brought to the table.

“We recognize that the future of the life sciences depends on attracting the brightest minds, regardless of their geographic origin or background,” says Dr. Sarah Wilkins, the company’s Director of Scholarly Initiatives. “By opening our scholarship program to international students, we’re able to cultivate a truly global community of innovators who will drive progress in critical areas affecting human and planetary health.”

Application Requirements of Novus Biologicals Scholarship

To be considered for the Novus Biologicals Scholarship Program, applicants must submit a comprehensive application package that includes:

  • The application form provided by Novus Biologicals must be filled out
  • Recent academic records showing high achievement must be submitted
  • A personal statement detailing research interests, career aspirations, and how the scholarship would aid academic and professional growth is required
  • Letters of endorsement from faculty or research mentors must be included
  • Proof of enrollment or acceptance into a relevant degree program must be provided
  • Endorsements from teachers or advisors are a necessary part of the application
  • Evidence of enrollment or acceptance into an approved academic program needs to be submitted.

“The application process is designed to give us a well-rounded understanding of each applicant’s qualifications and potential,” explains Dr. Wilkins. “We’re not just looking for students with exceptional grades – we also want to see evidence of their passion for the life sciences, their commitment to innovation, and their potential to make a meaningful impact in their chosen field.”

Award Details of Novus Biologicals Scholarship

Each year, Novus Biologicals awards a total of four scholarships:

  • Undergraduate Scholarship: Two awards of $10,000 each
  • Graduate Scholarship: Two awards of $15,000 each

But the Novus Biologicals Scholarship Program offers more than just financial support. Recipients also gain access to a suite of professional development opportunities, including:

  • Mentorship from a Novus Biologicals employee
  • Networking events and the annual scholarship recipient symposium
  • Exposure to the real-world challenges and breakthroughs driving the life sciences industry

“Our goal is to empower these students not just financially, but also through the guidance, connections, and industry insights we provide,” says Dr. Wilkins. “By investing in the next generation of life sciences leaders, we’re ensuring that the field continues to thrive and evolve in the years to come.”

Expanding Reach and Impact

In the years since its inception, the Novus Biologicals Scholarship Program has grown significantly in both scale and scope. The program has also expanded its eligibility criteria to include international students, ensuring that the brightest minds from around the world have the chance to benefit from Novus Biologicals’ support.

Lukas Gaffney, a graduate student at the University of Cambridge working towards a Ph.D. in Biochemistry, is a recipient of the Novus Biologicals Graduate Scholarship. In 2020, Lukas was awarded this scholarship for his innovative research into the creation of advanced antibiotic treatments to address the increasing problem of drug-resistant bacteria.

“The Novus Biologicals Scholarship has been an invaluable resource, allowing me to dedicate more time and focus to my research without the constant worry of financial constraints,” says Lukas. “Beyond the financial support, the program has also provided me with opportunities to connect with industry leaders and receive valuable mentorship, which has been instrumental in shaping my career path and expanding my professional network.”

Lukas’ story is just one example of the lasting impact the Novus Biologicals Scholarship Program has had on the lives of its recipients. Over the past seven years, the program has awarded nearly $400,000 in scholarships, supporting the academic and research pursuits of 28 exceptional students from the United States, Canada, Europe, and Asia.

The Power of Mentorship and Networking

While the financial support provided by the Novus Biologicals Scholarship Program is undoubtedly crucial, the company’s commitment to mentorship and networking opportunities sets the initiative apart from many traditional scholarship programs.

Each scholarship recipient is paired with a Novus Biologicals employee who serves as a mentor, providing guidance, advice, and insights into the realities of life in the life sciences industry. Through regular check-ins, shadowing opportunities, and discussions on topics ranging from experimental design to career planning, these mentorship relationships help to bridge the gap between academia and the professional world.

Apart from the personalized mentorship, Novus Biologicals also hosts a yearly symposium for scholarship recipients, allowing them to showcase their research, interact with professionals in the field, and engage in workshops for career advancement. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this event has shifted to a virtual format but continues to be a highly anticipated gathering for the Novus Biologicals scholarship community.

Fostering Diversity and Inclusion in the Life Sciences

The Novus Biologicals Scholarship Program not only emphasizes academic excellence and scientific accomplishments but also strives to enhance diversity and inclusion in the life sciences sector. The company actively seeks applications from minority groups, women, and first-generation college attendees, acknowledging the importance of breaking down systemic barriers that have limited the involvement of these groups in STEM fields in the past.

This commitment to diversity is evident in the program’s alumni network, which boasts a remarkable level of representation from women and individuals from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups. For many of these scholars, the Novus Biologicals Scholarship has not only provided financial support, but also a sense of community and belonging in an often-homogeneous academic landscape.

The Impact of the Novus Biologicals Scholarship Program

As the Novus Biologicals Scholarship Program continues to grow and evolve, the company is already seeing the far-reaching impact of its investment in the next generation of life sciences leaders.

Many past recipients have gone on to pursue prestigious graduate programs, secure highly competitive research positions and make significant contributions to their respective fields. Amelia Rossi, for example, credits the Novus Biologicals Scholarship with helping her secure a coveted spot in the renowned molecular biology program at UC Berkeley, where she is now conducting research on novel cancer therapies.

“The Novus Biologicals Scholarship was a game-changer for me,” says Amelia. “Not only did it provide me with the financial resources to focus on my studies and research, but it also gave me the confidence and support needed to pursue my dream of becoming a cancer researcher. I’m deeply grateful for the opportunity, and I’m excited to pay it forward by mentoring future scholarship recipients.”

Beyond the individual success stories, the Novus Biologicals Scholarship Program is also having a broader impact on the life sciences landscape. By investing in the education and professional development of exceptional students, the company is helping to cultivate a pipeline of talented and motivated individuals who will drive innovation and progress in critical areas like medicine, biotechnology, and environmental sustainability.

Novus Biologicals also actively engages with the academic community, participating in career fairs, sponsoring scientific conferences and collaborating with universities to identify the most pressing needs and challenges facing life sciences students.

As the Novus Biologicals Scholarship Program expands and develops, the company remains committed to its goal of empowering the next generation of leaders in the field of life sciences. Novus Biologicals is establishing itself as a pioneer in corporate social responsibility and academic philanthropy through its continued support and focus on fostering young talent.

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