The West African Senior Secondary School Examination (WASSCE) is a nationwide exam. It is for students from West African countries.
Senior secondary students must pass either the WAEC or the NECO test. For admission to a university or polytechnic, they must have their SSCE results.
The WAEC examination is multiple-choice, theoretical, and practical. The practical exam is only for scientific students.
I remember taking my WAEC and NECO exams several years ago. The night before my first WAEC paper, I felt unprepared. It filled me with anxiety since I was afraid I would fail my tests.
In this post, I’ll share some helpful strategies on how to study for WAEC in one sitting. I can tell you that these ideas will also help you pass your JAMB and first-year exams.
How to Study for WAEC in Nigeria

1. Get rid of Exam Fright and have a positive mindset
When you are in your final year in secondary school, your initial reaction when you discover you are about to write WAEC and NECO is fear. You’re probably worried because it’s not a typical school exam with a syllabus you’ve covered. You are concerned about your ability to succeed, among other things. However, to properly study and ace these exams, you must overcome your worries and have a positive attitude that you will do well and pass your exam in one sitting.
2. Keep your target grade in mind.
Another motivator for having excellent study and preparation to ace your WAEC and NECO is to have your target grade in mind. The level of grades you want is directly linked to the amount of effort you put in and your burning desire to study smartly and hard for your exams. This is a crucial key.
3. Know the subjects you’re registering for
Before you begin accumulating reading materials, you should be aware of the subjects for which you have registered.
4. Gather all your notes, beginning with your SS1
Many students make the mistake of neglecting their previous senior secondary school notes when studying for external exams like WAEC and NECO. The examination questions are not derived from subjects other than those taught in school. Rather, they are derived from the many teachings from SS1 through SS3.
Typically, the majority of the questions are from SS1 and SS2 notes. Furthermore, because you are already familiar with your notes, they help you understand more. So you can understand why it’s critical to retrieve them.
5. Obtain Textbooks and Past Questions for Each Subject You registered for.
While you have successfully acquired all of your notes, you must purchase standard textbooks to supplement them because your notes, due to time constraints or a lack of teachers, are insufficient to complete the entire WAEC or NECO course. Aside from that, textbooks provide larger explanations and illustrations. When your textbooks are set, move on to past questions.
Get past WAEC and NECO questions from your seniors, beginning five years ago and ending the previous year. In addition, previous questions and answers are now available in the form of a textbook compilation. These can be purchased or obtained from your seniors.
6. Get the syllabus
The WAEC and NECO syllabus for the year can help you navigate your reading. This can be received online or from your school. The WAEC and NECO syllabuses change each year, so make sure you obtain the syllabus for the year of your exam.
7. Understand your reading time and mode of assimilation
Yes! You must understand when you assimilate best and how to integrate more effectively. Some people can only assimilate during the day, while others do it at night. Also, depending on their learning style, some people understand better when they view films about the issue or listen to an audio version of it. This relates to the many learning styles we possess.
When you understand these concepts, it will be easier to plan your reading schedules without interfering with the time you need to accomplish housework and other required tasks.
8. Begin reading now!
Exactly, You read it correctly. Begin reading now! This also applies to any student who is currently in SS2. WAEC and NECO exams are not difficult; the issue is that we begin studying extremely close to the exam. This, however, will not be of assistance to you due to the extensive syllabus you must cover. Begin reading as soon as you have all of your materials available.
9. Discipline and Time Management
Discipline and time management are essential for achieving a successful goal. You now understand your bearing and what you want; now you must learn to avoid superfluous activities such as watching too many movies and playing too many video games, among others. To improve time management, create and closely adhere to a reading schedule. Do your housework and errands swiftly, then return to reading.
10. Get a tutor
To ace your exam, you might need to hire a tutor. This may be someone you know is proficient in the subjects you’re registering for and is familiar with WAEC and NECO’s question-setting methods, marking schemes, and other crucial test data. He or she should also be able to provide you with assignments for each lesson. If you are not given an assignment, ask for one. Tutoring is quite important in general, so if you have the opportunity to obtain it, please do so.
11. Surround yourself with study stimulants
It’s time to cut loose those buddies who never encouraged you to read! At this point, you must make acquaintances who are also really interested in acing their exams and are working toward that goal. This would result in increased knowledge exchange and comprehension.
12. Get the timetable and plan out your subjects
Another mistake that most students make is that they do not receive the examination schedule early, and when they do, they do not plan out their topics. When you receive your timetable, the first thing you need to do is write down your subjects according to the date and time you will be having them. This would construct your timetable and eliminate confusion about time, date, or neglecting a specific subject.
13. Take part in the mock examinations
The mock examination is a pre-exam that follows the same format as the actual examination. When you take a mock exam, it helps to relieve stress, and the results show how well you studied for the real exam. This allows you to understand where you are missing.
14. Maintain Good Health
As you study smart and hard, remember to take care of your health. Eat properly but not excessively, exercise, remain hydrated, and eat fruits like bananas, particularly hydrating fruits like watermelon. This will improve your study capacity and rate of assimilation.
How to pass WAEC without stress
The key to passing WAEC without stress is to use strategic study methods that are customized to the syllabus’s specific requirements.
1. Know the syllabus
Understanding the syllabus is an important first step. It outlines each topic to be addressed and provides a clear picture of what the examiners want from you. In other words, it advises you on what topics to read.
2. Time Management
Successful time management entails more than just setting aside time for studying; it is also about maximizing the efficiency of that time and ensuring that your efforts are evenly distributed throughout all courses. When studying for the WAEC, each subject demands individual attention and time allocation. This provides complete coverage of the material and reduces the stress of last-minute cramming.
Maintaining a regular sleep schedule might also help you remember things and think more clearly. By mastering time management, you can make your WAEC preparation journey go more smoothly and stress-free.
3. Identify and address your weak areas
Understanding your weaknesses is the first step toward boosting your grades. However, simply identifying them is not sufficient. To effectively study these subjects, you must adopt a targeted strategy.
4. Identify and address your weaknesses
Understanding your weaknesses is the first step to improving your grades. However, simply identifying them isn’t enough. To effectively study these subjects, you must adopt a specific approach.
Furthermore, because the exam has a time limit, reviewing prior papers for practice helps you understand how to divide your time between different portions properly.
The optimum time to prepare for your WAEC exam is now. Even if you are in SSS1 or SSS2, you can start preparing for the SSCE exam.
Do not wait until your final class in senior high school to begin your preparations.
If you are now in SSS 3, it is not too late to begin your preparations. Create a study regimen that will work for you.