The night before an exam is critical. You want to feel your best and wake up energized on exam day, and the night before influences whether or not that occurs. As a result, we’ve compiled a guide on how to study for exams in one night. These steps on how to study for exams have been proven over time, and if you follow the steps, you can be assured to get the same result.
How to Study for Exams in One Night: Top 9 Tips for the Night Before an Exam

1. Solve the exercise problems
While revising or studying the night before an exam might be detrimental and lead to confusion about the answers, solving exercises and/or flashcards can have the reverse effect.
To perform well in the exam, build up your momentum by completing the questions from the night before.
2. Stay hydrated
Hydration is a crucial topic to address while discussing cognitive performance. This is because even 2% dehydration impairs performance in attention-demanding tasks.
So don’t forget to drink the recommended daily amount for grownups. Though the amounts can vary according to weight, height, and physical activity, the usually recommended amounts are:
- 3.7 liters per day for men.
- 2.7 liters per day for women.
However, keep in mind that you should not attempt a new task the night before your exam. Stay hydrated at your speed, and don’t drink too much before bed to avoid waking up in the middle of the night.
3. Stick to your routine; there is nothing new!
Before the exam, you should feel comfortable and relaxed. So, instead of attempting new activities in your leisure time, stick to your routine and find serenity and tranquility in it, which will be useful when it comes time to go to bed.
5. Focus on positive outcomes
If you’re having trouble calming down or breathing steadily, consider focusing on the positive consequences that can (and will) occur following your exam.
Close your eyes, choose a comfortable posture, and focus solely on the positive outcomes that await you following your assessment. Recall your experiences and remember that life is about more than simply tomorrow’s concerns.
6. Eat right and eat light
Cooking or ordering something you enjoy can boost motivation and mood. However, keep it light because you don’t want to feel weary immediately after eating, which can lead to feeling the same way the next day.
7. Prepare your materials for the next day
You don’t want to keep thinking about everything you’ll need to take to the exam the following day; you don’t want to be late hunting for them in the morning; and you certainly don’t want to arrive at the exam with crucial documents missing.
Because all of these things might generate anxiety and work against you on the exam. So do yourself a favor and prepare everything you’ll need the night before. This may include:
- Pen/Pencil
- Eraser
- Ruler/Geometry Set
- Calculator
- Bottle of Water
8. Get enough sleep
All of the points we’ve mentioned are related to obtaining enough sleep. Following all of the advice, you should have no trouble falling asleep.
However, make sure to get to bed at a time that allows you to sleep for 7-8 hours (depending on how much you sleep regularly) to ensure you receive enough sleep.
9. Ensure that you wake up in the best way the next day
A typical sleep cycle is separated into two stages: REM sleep and non-REM sleep. Your body alternates between these two stages about every 90 minutes.
The optimal moment to wake up to feel the most energized is at the end of a cycle. So, if you want to wake up without a struggle, set an alarm for X number of multiples of 90 minutes.
More essential, you want to make sure you get up, so set two alarms or ask a friend or family member to call you the next morning to ensure you get up.
How to Study at Night with Full Concentration
Nights are a source of optimism for those who did not study throughout the year, as well as review hours for those who finished the curriculum ahead of schedule.
Some people prefer to study at this time of day because it is when they feel most productive. Here are some night study tips for this question:
1. Eat the Right Snacks
Snacking isn’t simply an option; it’s essential when studying late at night. Snacking keeps both the body and the brain active, but only the correct snack will help. If you know that fatty or sugary snacks might induce sleep, you are probably aware of the consequences.
2. Know the Right Time to Take Breaks
Constantly studying for hours can be stressful and lead to burnout. Take pauses every few study sessions to maintain focus and attention.
3. Shut down all electronics
Electronics are so appealing to all of us these days. A few minutes on Instagram can evolve into hours of scrolling through reels, and a single round of games can turn into multiple sessions. Thus, turning off electronics will allow you to focus better.
4. Set alarms for yourself
Study sessions might be tiring, so set alarms for yourself to avoid falling asleep between them, even if it is by mistake. These alarms will either wake you up or serve as a reminder to complete further topics.
5. Play the Right Kind of Music
The appropriate kind of music can establish the mood for the night. Long study periods benefit from soothing music that increases the ability to stay awake.
How to study for exams in one day
1. You Can’t Afford To Lose Early Day Benefits
When you only have one day to prepare for your revision, you probably don’t want to waste it by napping. Make the most of it by getting up early in the morning. It has various advantages, like less distraction and a more tranquil setting to study in, and your mind is completely recharged to understand information in the early morning. The earlier you start studying, the more time you’ll have to complete your education.
2. Sit with all of your study aids before starting
How do you revise for tests in a day? The trick is to be orderly, calm and focused throughout the study. Since you only have one day for the exam, don’t waste it looking for misplaced study materials. Keep all of your study aids properly organized on a level area where you can readily access them. Keep the course syllabus, lecture notes, and textbooks ready.
3. Give Social Media a Day Off
You probably don’t want to waste this important day by spending it on technology or social media, speaking with friends, or browsing the internet. The day before the exam demands distraction-free and focused study, so put your phones away. Though you can engage yourself during breaks to relieve tension and refuel your mind, do not waste your valuable study time while preparing.
4. Find A Quite Study Spot
If you truly want to finish your studies the night before the exam, you must surround yourself with a quiet study environment where you can read without being disturbed or interrupted. Ensure adequate illumination and begin studying with your phones on silent mode.
Nothing will make you do worse on an exam than working an all-nighter. You may be tempted to stay up all night and cram in as much as possible, but make sure you get some sleep the night before. When it comes time to take the exam, you won’t be able to remember anything you’ve learned since your brain will be in survival mode.
Eat a healthy breakfast the morning before the test to ensure you have enough energy. Throughout the morning, go over your study sheet when you’re eating, at your locker, or on your way to class.
When it’s time to put aside the review sheet and sit down for the exam, you can be confident that you’ve done everything necessary to help your brain pass with flying colors.