How to Study at Home: 17 Proven Tips


Today, we are going to share with you 17 effective techniques on how to study at home. This is a very prevalent issue today, especially with systems such as online learning and Zoom being incorporated in schools and universities.

This was such a drastic change from before, and to most, if not all of us, the transition to this virtual system of learning has been a challenge.

So, to guide you as to what could be effective, I have come up with the following list of 17 studying tips that can enable one to study at home.

1. Design a study area

When planning to study at home, one should go for a quiet area with good lighting, a place with low traffic or entertainment. Make sure that the area contains useful props like a comfortable chair, a sturdy desk, and the proper materials like textbooks, notebooks, or computers. Organization and cleanliness helps keep away distractions and create the right focus needed for work.

2. Study Plan

Another study tip is to create a study plan. Once you’re properly organized, it’s now time to make a study plan. A study plan should help you plan and achieve your goals. For example, if you have exams or assessments coming up, plan for topics and questions that will be covered, and this will help you know what to focus on. When it comes to goal setting, make sure they are specific for each study session, like how many topics you will be able to cover by the end of the session.

3. Avoid Multitasking

You can designate your less productive time of the day to attend to chores. Set your schedule in such a way that you can focus on one thing at a time (i.e. studying, chores, relaxing, exercising) and know that you will have designated time later for other things on your to-do list.

4. Eliminate Distractions

There will always be many things around you that can distract you when you are studying effectively. If you are the kind of person who always gets distracted by social networks or messaging your friends, then having this kind of plan to help you not give in to the temptation of taking your phone will go a long way. You can also switch off your phone and put it in a place where it is not easily accessible (or out of sight, which is even better).

5. Sound

You might be the kind of learner who is perfectly comfortable with having some background noise while you are studying. But something that should not be forgotten is what is more preferable for you, like for example, the music you select or a radio station of your choice. External disturbances like your neighbor, who is always noisy, traffic or noise from the television should ideally be kept as far from you as possible. If white noise is beneficial for your work, there are other apps which can replicate noise as desired, such as Spotify.

6. Connect with Others

It is very useful if you will arrange with friends a study session, for example, in Zoom or Skype, and this will help you to concentrate and be motivated. It will also include some social elements to your day and the feeling of engaging with peers, so you are not too isolated while learning. This can not only help you stay rigorous and motivated to carry on with the task at hand, but can also assist in keeping you sociable, which is very good for your well-being.

7. Be Healthy

In other words, while studying, one should cater for the needs of the brain in terms of nutrition. It is possible to increase your diet and make significant improvements, like switching to healthy snacks, moderate consumption of pop and coffee, or eating five-six small meals per day. Another factor is also getting reasonable quantities of exercise per week to enhance one’s disposition to study adequately.

8. Personalize

Play with precisely how you ornament your study room. If you think that you would study better if all your study materials were of the same color, then, by all means, do it. Studying in an environment that is familiar to your personality ensures concentration and also makes one look forward to carrying out the task.

9. Shut it off

Having a study area in the same place you read, watched movies or ate means that the distinction in the time you spend studying and socializing is not very clear. This may often lead to undesirable consequences, but there are other ways of achieving some sort of closure to your studies. Closing up your computer at the end of the day can provide that for you or you can just step outside for a bit. Bear in mind that social interaction, along with work, has the potential to make some positive changes in your life.

10. Put down your phone

As much as with academic success, it is possible to have many things around you that can distract you. We waste hours sometimes by scrolling through feeds on social media, chatting in the group or watching a new Tik Tok.

You should remove your phone and tablet from the location where you are studying if you are easily distracted. To avoid being tempted to check what the recent notification was about, you can even switch off your phone.

Ensuring that other electronic gadgets that you may find irresistible at the time of study are kept away from you, apart from your laptop, of course, will enable you to study unfettered.

11. Develop a Structured Routine

When it comes to studying at home, routine is crucial. Set a study schedule and resolve to work at it every day and at the same time in order to avoid disrupting your study schedule. Choose definite hours and the number of hours you are going to devote to the study session and try to adhere to it to the greatest possible extent.

Ideally, one could study before going to school, school itself, or in the evening to set your brain to studying at such a time to establish a pattern. Do not be limited by the schedule; try out various ones depending on the best practice for your learning and personal lifestyle.

12. Minimize Distractions

Another major difficulty of homeschooling is the lack of sufficient control over distractions that are possible in a home setting. As a student, distractions are lurking at every corner—from notification alerts to household tasks, the list is endless. These are the distractions to be removed to enhance productivity in the environment.

13. Vary Your Study Methods

Boredom is something that works against efficient home-based learning. Do not immerse yourself solely in one study technique and do not stick to just one type; switch from one technique to another to keep the brain alert.

Opt for reading a variety of texts, watching short videos, listening to podcasts, and completing more practical tasks, such as experiments and quizzes. This diversity will help avoid stagnation of the process and meet the needs of learners with different learning capacities and styles, thus making the learning experience more diverse and fulfilling.

14. Leverage Technology Strategically

While it has negative aspects, in the current world of home learning, technology can be a great asset. Engage in online lessons and tutorials found in knowledge-based websites, virtual class, and tutorials that employ simulation. Research in time management applications and cloud storage applications to manage productivity. But always remember to counter it with no distractions and reduce the amount of unnecessary digital engagement when studying.

15. Develop a Study Guide

Sustaining home-based learning is easier if you arrange your study materials in a structured guide format. Organize important concepts, calculations, or sum-up notes into a document or a notebook, and design the guide with a clear structure to allow for easy-theory revisiting. Use the study guide to review regularly during home study, as this will enable you to get a better understanding.

16. Avoid Studying in Bed

Despite the fact that snuggling with the books can be a normal reaction, though it is unproductive and can affect one’s concentration. The bed is linked with sleep and rest so it is difficult to transform the environment for studying in a few minutes. Sitting or lying down in bed can also contribute to bad body position and physical pain, which affects focus. Use bed only for sleeping, and other academic activities should be done in the area that has been previously assigned as study zone.

17. Test Yourself Regularly

This is an effective way of pursuing home study since it involves the improvement of a person’s self-assessment skills and helps emphasize on sections or lessons that need to be revisited. Writing practice quizzes, flash cards or sample questions is a good option to review the material and set a timer for those, therefore emulating exams. Look at your mistakes or gaps of knowledge and focus on the erroneous points in your next practice sessions.


Studying at home may be a very different experience, so you will need to try and avoid getting bored. We all have unique capabilities and therefore there cannot be a one-size-fits-all approach. Anyhow, we trust these top tips on how to study at home have been useful and you have some to take home.


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