How to Get A Scholarship to Study Abroad in High School: 10 Smart Ways


High school students are young and full of energy. It should be your aim to use this energy to do something constructive and beneficial. If you are looking for how to get a scholarship to study abroad, you are in the right place.

There are many free scholarships to study abroad for students who want to make their dream come true. In this article, you are going to learn why it is important to study abroad as a high school student and how you can get a scholarship to study abroad in high school.

Advantages of studying abroad as a high school student

Going on a study program abroad during high school is not just a fun and exciting trip; it is an educational experience that has a great impact on young people. Now we take a closer look at how this opportunity can change your point of view and skills as a young student.

1. You will become independent

Studying in a foreign country takes you out of your comfort zone. In fact, everyday life is full of challenges that range from how to get from one place to another, how to plan a diet when the currency used in the country is unfamiliar, and so on. This helps to build self-esteem and confidence because one is able to make his/her own decisions and solve problems on their own.

2. You will gain a lot of experience at a young age

There are times that you will gain so much experience when you are still young. If there is one thing that high school students should not miss, it is traveling, since it is the best opportunity for personality development. It will assist you to discover yourself as you will be able to identify who you are at a given time when you are not accompanied by friends, family, or school.

3. You will enhance your communication skills

Language barriers become bridges for connection. Whether it’s mastering the local language or finding creative ways to express yourself, you will quickly learn to communicate effectively across cultures.

4. Better education opportunities

Studying in another country is valuable and having experience in that makes one a valuable candidate to colleges. In this era of globalization, many reputed colleges do prefer to have students who have international exposure. This can actually be an advantage when it comes to applying for colleges at a later time.

5. Better career options

Getting to know other cultures can be a bonus to your future profession. For instance, today there are numerous organizations that are establishing their offices in other nations, especially, China and India. When you learn about these countries now, you will be opening new doors to your career when you get a chance to work there in the future.

6. You also will become more open—minded

Getting into a new culture is a good way to work through prejudices and expand the worldview. From the activity, you will learn about how other people are different from us in terms of culture and lifestyle. As a young learners, you will be better placed to support and engage with people who are different from you. It will change your perception in life and make you more liberal.

7. You will build a global network

Foreign friendships can indeed be once-in-a-lifetime friendships. That is why you will communicate not only with people of a certain country but also with other students from all over the world. These relationships are diverse and can provide different approaches as well as create a path to future cooperation in terms of research or employment.

How to Get A Scholarship to Study Abroad in High School

1. Do your research

It only makes sense to apply for a scholarship and know what countries suit you best. For instance, if your desire is to further your studies in France, you may have to take French classes before you go there and the scholarship to be applied for should cater for this. Oh, there are so many scholarships around; all that is required is to search for them.

2. Apply for multiple scholarships

This is simple advice, but oftentimes, students do not follow this rule. You should apply for all the scholarships for which you meet the requirements if there is more than one scholarship offered. You essentially have no downside to being as exhaustive as you can possibly be in your preparations. It’s vital that you consider the less popular programs or institutions if the odds are against you. You can find the easiest fully funded scholarships to get to increase your chances of securing a scholarship.

3. Engage in extracurricular activities

One of how to get a scholarship to study abroad in high school is to engage in things that capture your interest and, at the same time, relate to the theme of the scholarship. Be a leader and prove it through engagements in school clubs and organizations. Engage in volunteer work for any community service. Get involved in activities related to international relations or activities that promote cultural exchange. Assuming leadership responsibilities in your selected activities.

4. Talk to your parents

So, how do I persuade my parents? Once you have chosen the right program and saved the links to these scholarships, the only thing remaining to complete the picture is to persuade your parents that you must go abroad during high school.

The truth is that many of the scholarships out there do not cover the expenses of housing and other related costs. As much as it is your last opportunity, you need to involve your parents in all the plans to make it a successful experience for you as well as your parents.

5. Work on your grades

It is necessary to note that there are merit based scholarships for talented and gifted students. One needs to ensure that they work hard by attending classes and being active in other co-curricular activities that take place in school. One thing about scholarships is that even if they are offered, it’s easier to secure one, especially if you have good grades.

6. Keep track of deadlines

Who wants to lose $10,000 within a few days and not be able to submit the project before the stipulated time? Explore important dates and organize yourself. Perhaps it would be advisable to jot down all these dates on the phone’s calendar or on a wall calendar whenever you realize there are some dates that you do not wish to forget. Thus, there is no chance to make a mistake!

7. Contact Embassies

It is also important that you contact the education embassies or consulates of the countries where you want to study. They may know about the scholarships being offered to students of your country.

8. Follow Up and Be Persistent

If your attempt was not successful, seek constructive feedback on how it could be done. You could also reapply for positions in future if you are eligible, and the previous rejections should also be used to make improvements for future applications.

9. Show Financial Need (if applicable)

Do not hide any details concerning your financial status. Submit official documents such as tax returns, FAFSA forms and bank statements. State any other conditions that may have an impact on your financial situation. Emphasize the amount of money you have contributed to cater for your education. Properly explain how the scholarship will help you effectively contribute. When requesting for aid, quantify the help required as much as possible, preferably with a breakdown of the budget.

10. Prepare Strong Applications

This is true because, while applying for scholarships, applicants are usually expected to write essays, letters of recommendations and performances. Ensure that you write a good application that will outline your achievements, your goals and reasons why you should be considered for the scholarship.


Studying abroad during high school enriches beyond knowledge by providing a tremendous change in the overall student’s personality. Through education, learners develop their interpersonal skills, cultural sensitivity, and worldview at a developmentally appropriate age.

And what is really amazing is that there are scholarships that will cover all the costs associated with studying in a foreign country. Ensure that you do a lot of searches and submit the applications for as many scholarships as you can so that you can get a good chance of clinching them. So there you go! If you are looking for  how to get a scholarship to study abroad in high school, these tips above should be of help to you when preparing to travel to study abroad!

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