How to Become An Aromatherapist: A Detailed Guide


A recreational therapist with expertise in using essential oils to enhance wellbeing and health is known as an aromatherapist. They could help people who are afflicted with a specific medical issue, such persistent migraines or bacterial infections, or they might work with those who want to get healthier overall.

They meet with patients to go over their specific goals and health issues prior to starting therapy. They next create a treatment plan that may include topical, swallowed, or inhaled essential oils. They keep an eye on the patient’s condition throughout time and adjust as needed. Aromatherapists typically work in medical environments. They could operate on their own or at holistic health clinics, for example. But in order to pursue this job, one must be aware of how to become an aromatherapist. That is the main motivation behind my post.

What Is the Work of an Aromatherapist?

Essential oils are used by aromatherapists to enhance their patients’ mental and physical health. While aromatherapists are not permitted to diagnose diseases, prescribe treatments or offer medical advice, they can assist in symptom relief and stress reduction.

The idea behind holistic therapy is to treat the patient as a whole—mind, body, and spirit—instead of only addressing their physical problems. This recognizes the significance of mental health and the connection between it and physical health.

Demand for holistic therapies is rising as more and more individuals want to pursue a natural approach to health. In recent decades, aromatherapy has become more and more popular due to increased understanding of it.

What Kind of Training Is Required to Become an Aromatherapist?

In order to become a registered aromatherapist, you must pass the Aromatherapy Registration Council’s (ARC) registration test. The completion of a postsecondary training program approved at Level II by the Alliance of International Aromatherapists (AIA) or the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA) is a requirement for eligibility. At least 200 hours of coursework are included in this. Students that enroll in these programs gain knowledge about the applications of essential oils, the background of aromatherapy, how to prepare essential oils and current research trends in the industry. They also study more pragmatic subjects, such adhering to legal requirements and knowing when to refer potential patients to authorized medical practitioners.

It is crucial to remember that there are several degrees of approval for training programs, so you should be cautious while choosing one that suits your requirements. The AIA, for instance, has three approval levels. Schools classified as clinical-level need at least 400 hours of study for each graduating student.

Schools at the Professional Level provide 200–400 hours of study, while programs at the Foundation Level offer 100–200 hours per student. There are two stages of program approval in the NAHA. Approximately thirty hours of study are devoted to an introduction to aromatherapy and its constituent parts in Level I programs, which are regarded as fundamental. Level II programs are regarded as professional-level studies and need a minimum of 200 study hours.

What Qualifications Are Needed to Be an Aromatherapist?

You must possess a thorough understanding of anatomy, physiology and essential oils. Seek out a training program that satisfies National Occupational Standards and is accredited (NOS).

Should you choose to perform as a freelance aromatherapist, you’ll additionally require a rudimentary understanding of business. Even while some work can be delegated to others, it’s still critical to have a broad understanding of accounting and business concepts.

To effectively connect with all kinds of consumers, you must possess exceptional interpersonal skills. Making customers feel comfortable and having excellent listening and empathy abilities are critical.

Clients receiving aromatherapy massages may experience feelings of self-consciousness or anxiety due to the intimate nature of the interaction. At all times, a tactful and discrete approach is needed. Learn more about launching a career in aromatherapy.

Become Qualified

You can register with the Aromatherapy Registration Council (ARC) ( after finishing a Level II program. You will need to pass a test covering key scientific principles, administration, professional concerns, and the fundamentals of aromatherapy in order to achieve this. You will be able to use your registration for up to five years if you pass. You must fulfill the criteria for continuing education and pay the renewal fee in order to keep your status.

Start Your Professional Journey

Employment opportunities for aromatherapists include salons, spas, hospitals, clinics, acupuncture offices, massage therapy offices, and other settings related to complementary and alternative medicine. While some aromatherapists prefer to work one-on-one with clients, others decide to start their own essential oil company, work in retail, become educators or even enter the perfume business.

Which Related Alternative Careers Are There?

A job as a massage therapist might suit you if you want to assist others in enhancing their general well-being. This job entails working with soft tissue to alleviate pain, lower stress levels, and enhance circulation. A massage therapist may specialize in a certain modality, such as deep tissue massage or sports massage, and they must be knowledgeable with human anatomy and muscle structure. Massage therapists have to finish a formal training program, much like aromatherapists.

In certain states, licensure is also necessary. You could also be interested in pursuing a career as a skin care professional, which, with the exception of Connecticut, requires passing a licensing test and completing a postsecondary training program. Skin care professionals provide their customers a range of skin treatments, including wraps, scrubs, and facials. Additionally, they assist customers in creating skin care regimes and offer recommendations on skin care.

What Qualifications Are Needed for Entry?

In the UK, there were no formal laws governing aromatherapists’ education or certification until recently. In contrast to other nations, British massage therapists and beauticians were often exempt from licensing or formal registration requirements. Theoretically, there was nothing that prevented someone from establishing an aromatherapy company.

The government has tightened regulations on the alternative therapy sector throughout the last 15 years or so, and efforts are being made to harmonize and standardize the field.

There isn’t a set curriculum or certification for aromatherapy in the United Kingdom. Presently, the majority of practicing therapists choose to register with a professional body, and the aromatherapy business is essentially self-regulated. This enhances your reputation as a licensed aromatherapist, which some customers find comforting even though it’s not required by law. Like a “seal of approval” for a therapist, membership shows that you have completed authorized training and follow a code of professional ethics.

Professional organization members receive assistance and tools to stay up-to-date on evolving industry laws. Having your name included in a public directory of licensed therapists is another powerful way to market your practice to prospective customers.

What is the Average Salary of An Aromatherapist?

In addition to receiving pay somewhat above the minimum wage, therapists working in spas and salons may also be eligible for additional sales commissions.

If you work for yourself, your pay will be determined by how busy you are. A one-hour massage typically costs between £30 and £60, so if you have a full schedule, you might make several hundred pounds a week. But you must factor in your overhead expenditures and subtract them from your overall income. These include things like inventory, equipment, rent, business rates, electricity bills, insurance, travel expenses (if any), and other charges.

What Jobs Are Possible In The Future?

You could choose to train in additional therapies or treatments, such as reflexology, sports massage, reiki, or aesthetics, in order to broaden the scope of your practice.

You can decide to launch your own aromatherapy clinic or training center after obtaining experience at a salon. You can create your own line of essential oil mixes or aromatherapy items.

Because giving aromatherapy massages may be physically taxing and demanding, many aromatherapists who are in practice go on to consult, instruct, or run corporate wellness programs after a number of years. For individuals who are prepared to transition from the “hands-on” side of aromatherapy practice, this can be a financially rewarding career option.

What Drawbacks Are There to Being an Aromatherapist?

As was previously said, massage may be labor-intensive. Spa therapists frequently have to treat customers back-to-back for the whole of the day, which is taxing on the body and particularly hard on the joints and back. Due to the therapists’ physical inability to keep up with the speed of work, spa staff turnover is typically extremely significant.

There is a chance that male clients will act inappropriately toward female therapists. Sometimes, advertising massage services will lead to inquiries from consumers looking for more than just a standard massage. Therapists should be alert and watchful, even if these clients will be the exception rather than the rule, especially when working with new clients for the first time.

Being an aromatherapist during pregnancy might present challenges, mainly because of the dangers of working with essential oils all day. Furthermore, pregnant massage therapists may find the intensely physical aspect of massage to be unpleasant, exhausting, or dangerous. This is especially true for traveling therapists who bring a portable massage couch with them. Therapists who are expecting could decide to cut back on their hours or use fewer essential oils on their patients.

It’s also important to note that aromatherapy is still a relatively new field, so at first, it may be difficult to fill your schedule without adding additional therapies or treatments to your aromatherapy massage services. Luxuries like massages are the first things that customers will cut back on during hard economic circumstances. It goes without saying that local demand for aromatherapy will differ greatly, so before opening a business, make sure you do your homework.



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