Medical Internships for High School Students


An internship is an amazing way to receive practical experience, and obtain real-world exposure. Medical internships are rapidly gaining popularity amongst medical students as they offer unique opportunities to students and ignite an early interest for medicine in them.

This internship gives medical students a headstart in healthcare for future academic and career dreams.(Quad Education Group)

Everyday, the healthcare industry grows and evolves. Because of this exponential growth, the need for skilled healthcare workers is more important than ever.

About Medical Internships For High School Students

Medical internships for high school students will ideally cover lessons from healthcare workers and seniors or direct engagement with the patient, under expert supervision.

By properly understanding the concept and content of medical internships provided, the students are better prepared for medical courses in college or other allied health fields.

This pushes out ready and enlightened students into the higher education system, allowing for a smooth college learning experience.

Different Types of Medical Internships for High School Students

Medical internships for high school students are of different types. It ranges from shadowing seniors in the clinics to research-based opportunities. Due to the countless opportunities and foci of interests, medical internships are able to cater to the different interests of students.

Irrespective of whatever format the student may opt for, this internship is sure to offer invaluable insight.

1. Clinical Shadowing and Hospital Internships

In order to understand patient care, the hospital workflow, and different specialties, students  observe doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals closely. This is called clinical shadowing. It is the common form of medical internships for high school students.

A good example of a program which offers clinical shadowing as an internship focus is the Pediatrics Internship Program (PIPS) at Stanford University, this is a properly structured program that offers high school students the opportunity to work alongside paediatricians, nurses, and researchers in a hospital setting.(Stanford University)

It is a  six-week paid internship that offers $3,000 in compensation. It consists of windows for clinical observation, research exposure, and mentorship from experienced paediatricians at Stanford University. Participants are able to gain insight into paediatric medicine through this.

Another hospital which provides a similar program is the Massachusetts General Hospital.

The Youth Scholars Program at Massachusetts General promotes inclusivity and diversity by providing the underrepresented students with opportunities to learn hands-on, to be mentored and for professional development. The aim of this Internship is to promote diversity within the healthcare workforce.

2. Research-Based Internships

There are high school students who are interested in the scientific aspect of medicine; it is an awesome focus to intern in. It provides the student with the unique opportunity to venture into biomedical science, laboratory studies, genetics, and other cutting-edge fields. (Scripps Research)

Students are able to perform or participate in real scientific experiments and to learn about data management. Additionally, they are privileged to work under the mentorship of learned and expert research personnels, enriching the internship experience.

An example of the research-based internship is the High School Summer Internship Program at Scripps Research. Here, the students are allowed to work alongside researchers in the laboratory.

They typically research on topics such as molecular biology, cancer research and neuroscience. The skills honed here will come in handy for a future in academic or clinical research.

Another  research-based internship is the Summer Internship Program in Biomedical Research offered by the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI). Here, the focus of interest is the human genome. This internship focuses on genomics and biomedical sciences, providing students with the opportunity to work alongside scientists who conduct advanced studies on the human genome. The program aims to build a community of scientists who will positively impact genomics because this is foreseen to be the field that will be pertinent in the institution of personalized medicine and innovation in hospital care.

3. Nursing and Patient Care Internships

For patients who are interested in nursing, they may add this to their clinical shadowing. This direct patient care training will allow the students to develop technical skills and interact properly with patients.

An example of such a program is the Seacole Scholars Program at Rhode Island Hospital. This program is specially crafted for high school students who already hold Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) licenses. It is a paid internship, allowing these certified students to gain practical experience in nursing and proper care of patients. For each intern, training will run for four days in a week and will be composed of extensive lessons on nursing care, wound care, patient management, as well as other essential skills.

Students who opt for this training gain early and adequate exposure to nursing, which is a vital aspect of healthcare.

4. Volunteering and Community Health Programs

While other medical internships focus on clinical learning and research, this program exposes the students to community health and public service.

This is an excellent medical internship for high school students offered to enable them to serve and contribute to the public health of their communities.

Activities in this program package include volunteering at hospitals, community health clinics, or non-profit organizations focused on healthcare access.

The Mayo Clinic’s Summer Volunteering Program is a good example of this kind of volunteer-based internship. It is an unpaid internship which aims at  providing high school students with the opportunity to assist in various capacities in the hospital in areas such as patient care, nursing and even research assistance. (Mayo Clinic)

Although unpaid, the students stand to gain a lot of exposure by just participating in this program. They are able to boost their professional portfolio, network and gain mentorship while contributing to a world-renowned healthcare institution.

The Benefits of Medical Internships for High School Students

Students who apply for Medical internships stand to gain a lot of benefits—academic, professional and personal. These internships provide students with a clean grasp of a career in healthcare and also equip them with valuable skills and experiences. All of these give students an edge in college applications and future job opportunities.

1. Gaining Real-World Experience

Through these medical internships, high school students have a window of opportunity to gain real-world experience in a medical setting. They can closely see how patient care is carried out, they can participate hands-on in clinical procedures, contribute largely to research projects and overall, gain practical knowledge that cannot be gained in the confines of the classroom. They become students who are well-rounded, holistic and informed. They are able to make good decisions about the path they intend to take as regards their careers and gain a deeper understanding of the healthcare system as a whole.

2. Building Critical Skills

Critical skills such as communication, teamwork and problem-solving are honed into these medical internship participants through the training. These skills are relevant for professional work, academics and personal life. The students are also taught to navigate complex or difficult situations and this makes them stand out in whatever field they venture into. These skills are critical in healthcare and any future career.

3. Strengthening College Applications

Medical internships for high school students can significantly strengthen college applications. Therefore, students who desire to apply to college soon should definitely have internships in mind. The reason is because, aside from being professionally well grounded, the admissions committees at top universities and medical colleges are often on the lookout for applicants with hands-on experience in healthcare.

Internships easily provide an excellent way for students to demonstrate their commitment to the field, learn and network with professionals who may likely write them winning letters of recommendation for their college application. These professionals also provide them with guidance on their academic and career journeys.

4. Exploring Different Specialties

Another wonderful thing about medical internships for high school students is that it offers participants the chance to explore different medical specialties before going forward to commit to a particular field. This exposure not only makes them versatile doctors but also enables them to remain sure of their career choices.

5. Increasing Diversity in the Healthcare Workforce

Because many medical internships for high school students are targeted to reach marginalized communities, inclusivity and diversity is promoted more in healthcare.

An example of a program which aims to increase diversity is the South Scholars Program at Massachusetts General Hospital and the Stanford Pediatrics Internship Program. They do so by offering mentorship, financial assistance, and professional development opportunities to students from populations who are vulnerable and marginalized.

Increasing diversity in healthcare improves patient outcomes. This is because a diverse workforce is better equipped to address the needs of a diverse patient population. Therefore, by giving internships opportunities to high school students from underrepresented backgrounds, we create a more inclusive healthcare system while providing students with the opportunity to achieve their full potential.


Medical internships for high school students are great opportunities for the ones who seek to pursue a career in healthcare. Through these training, the students are given practical experience, learn research, develop themselves professionally and are exposed early on to medicine, surgery and holistic patient care.

These are achieved through clinical shadowing, research internships, or nursing programs.

Students who pass through this training are seen to develop critical skills and gain real-world experience.

Because healthcare evolves every day, there is an increasing need for skilled persons in various fields; this makes high school students an essential part of the future of healthcare.

Through active participation in these programs, high school students enhance their academic, personal and professional profiles. They also contribute to a more diverse and inclusive healthcare system. From the Stanford Pediatrics Internship Program to the National Human Genome Research Institute’s Summer Internship Program, there are countless opportunities for these students.

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