13 Free Scholarships to Study Abroad for Undergraduates


Tuition and fees have risen dramatically over the years, and as a result, many undergraduate students are between an empty wallet and a lacking saving account.

Well, if you just happen to be an undergraduate student looking for how to get a scholarship to study abroad, then you should note that there are a lot of free scholarships and grants provided by governments, organizations and special universities for undergraduate international students.

Understanding Free Scholarships

Despite the simplicity of the concept, it is still worthwhile to define what ‘free’ means in the context used here. Many free scholarship programs entail the tuition fee and other essential expenses of studying in another country, but the scholar may be required to pay for textbooks, personal expenses, and health insurance.

13 Free Scholarships to Study Abroad for Undergraduates

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1. Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program

Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program is sponsored by the Bureau of Education and Cultural Affairs of the United States Department of State. It offers grants to undergraduate students in the United States who are financially needy to promote the population of students overseas. This is an annual event where a limited number of students who wish to learn or work in another country participate. Thus, the goal of this program is to expand the spectrum of students who are going abroad and in what countries they are studying.


$3,000 (summer program)

$4,000 (fall and spring program)

$5,000 (academic year program)

2. American Association of University Women Fellowships & Grants

The American Association of University Women (AAUW) aims at helping women overcome barriers or switch careers, which fits within the association’s mission promoting education for equality not only for American women but for women around the globe. AAUW is one of the largest funds for undergraduate women in the world and financially supports over 200 scholarships and grants with approximately $3 million every year to remarkable women.

These grants include costs of education for the individual who is a citizen or permanent resident of the United States and who has an associate degree or above. The competitive application is done online, with the need to include transcripts, study plan and letters of recommendation. For detailed information regarding the current criteria and deadlines, applicants can visit the official site of AAUW.

3. IES Abroad

IES Abroad commits $5 million to study abroad scholarships and aid because no student should be denied access to an IES Abroad program due to lack of funds. The student can apply for all the IES Abroad scholarships and financial aid that he or she qualifies for using only one application. The different types of student financial aid and scholarships include need-based aid, location- and major-focused scholarships, diversity scholarships, summer internship scholarships, scholarships for students attending a public university, Boren & Gilman Scholarship winners, and students with disabilities. IES Abroad has programs in many countries of the world.


Up to $5,000 for semester students

Up to $1,000 for summer students

4. Global Experiences Scholarships

Global Experiences scholarships Global Experiences grants are offered at any time of the year, with available choices starting from financing for women or students of color up to financing those who best capture their essence. These scholarships, whose tuition is partial, are given depending on the applicant’s needs and achievements, the grades, and the quality of the application. Before diving into Global Experiences programs, remember that the company offers internships in essential cities across the globe, and if you are looking for almost free experience, go for it!

Award: Varies

5. The Bridging Foundation Scholarship

The United States-Japan Bridging Foundation, in cooperation with the Bridging Project Clearinghouse, and the American Association of Teachers of Japanese, provides scholarships to U. S. undergraduate students who wish to study in Japan for one semester or the academic year. The organization provides grants of $2500 for programs that will take one semester and $4000 for those that will take one academic year. The foundation aims to promote cultural understanding between the U.S. and Japan.

6. Asia Exchange Scholarships

The Asia Exchange Scholarships are given on a half-yearly basis and enable students from target nations to finish undergraduate studies in an Asian institution or college. Many students from different countries are accepted here and the school does endeavor to promote the culture of foreign students. The scholarships are partial tuition only and are for semester or academic year programs at partner universities in Thailand, Malaysia or Korea.

Award: Varies

7. Eastern European Study Abroad Scholarships

Eastern European Study Abroad (EESA) gives merit- and need-based scholarships to economically challenged students who wish to study with EESA abroad. To become an EESA Scholarship candidate, one has to write an essay that answers a particular question and has a minimum GPA score.

Award: up to $2,500

8. Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship

For those intending to study in Japan, the Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship offers a one-package deal. The scholarship and grant program is a five-year scholarship program that comes with one year of Japanese language study and four years of undergraduate study. It includes full scholarships for tuition fees and ¥117,000 per month pocket money, as well as round-trip tickets. This means the applicants must be below the age of 25 and should have had 12 years of schooling. Documents are submitted to Japanese Embassies or Consulates in the country of the student’s origin.

9. Government of China Scholarship Program

China also offers good undergraduate scholarships to international students through the China Scholarship Council (CSC). China Scholarship Council (CSC). These scholarships come in two varieties: full and partial. The full scholarship includes the tuition fee, accommodation, allowance and medical allowance for four to five years of college education. The students may apply either through the Chinese Embassy/consulate or directly to the Chinese universities of their choice.

10. Korean Government Scholarship Program (KGSP)

Another wonderful opportunity now available to international students is the Korean Government Scholarship Program (KGSP). This scholarship also entails a one-year language study before joining the college and then continues with the four-year undergraduate program. This includes fees, monthly allowance, transportation costs, language fees and medical expenses. Note that candidates as well as parents should be foreigners; this is a requirement set for the acceptance of applicants at Korean universities. Applicants can apply at Korean Embassies and recognised Korean Universities only.

11. Sweden Scholarship Program

The Sweden Scholarship Program is available for non-EU/EEA undergraduate students to study in Sweden. Despite the fact that most of the scholarships are available to students who intend to pursue postgraduate studies in Sweden, there are some universities in Sweden that offer full scholarships to international students for their undergraduate programs to cover the tuition fee. This means that such awards are given depending on the performance and the awards are generally very sensitive in the sense that they go to few people.

The details as well as the opportunities differ with the institution; hence, the various students who may be interested should contact the respective Swedish institution for further details. Some of them may offer a full scholarship, which also means that they are entitled for all the fees of the student, while others may offer partial scholarships. The documents that one may be required to provide include a transcript, letters of recommendation, and statement of purpose. Deadlines, however, differ, with the majority of them being in January or February for the next academic year.

12. Boren Awards for International Study

Boren Awards for International Study are intended for Undergraduate students in the United States of America and focus on less commonly taught language and cultures that are significant to the United States. These prizes offer an amount ranging from $5000 to $25000 for 6 to 12 months of schooling. They are required to serve the United States government for one year after the completion of the course. Thus, it appears more often in February, as is used for the application for the following academic year.

13. Critical Language Scholarship Program

Every year, the US Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs hosts the Critical Language Scholarships (CLS) program, where selected American students are given fully-funded summer language and culture programs abroad. Candidates are selected according to their willingness to acquire non-western languages in other countries, including Arabic, Japanese, Swahili, Korean and Russian. It includes plane tickets, school tuition, accommodations, meals, and costs of cultural programs. The Critical Language Scholarship is only accessible to US citizens who are attending a US accredited college or university.

Award: Varies.

Benefits of Free Scholarships to Study Abroad

Cultural Immersion: Visiting other states or territories to discover other people’s way of life, language, and point of view.

Academic Excellence: Students will have the opportunity to get admission to some of the world’s best universities and institutions, apart from enjoying various interesting education-related programs.

Career Advancement: Making you a global personality with professional experience that would be beneficial in actually ‘selecting’ you in the job market.

Personal Development: To advance decentralization, flexibility, and ‘niche’ focus in international affairs/standards.


Free scholarships to study abroad for undergraduates are useful for wonderful resources that aim to expand their horizons and get foreign experience. The scholarship environment is constantly evolving, with new scholarships being offered at various intervals.

These scholarships, like all other scholarships, are not permanent and one should endeavor to get the most recent information from the right source. Each offers different opportunities to study abroad, though each has its own expectations and requirements. Always keep yourself updated, never give up, and remain active in your search. If the proper planning and endeavor are put into it, free education of global standard is achievable.


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