19 Facts About School For Kids


Quality education for all is one of the world’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals because education is one of the most effective and powerful ways to break the cycle of poverty for kids and their countries.

But “school” can mean very different things in different parts of the world and the standard of education that kids in different countries receive can be wildly different as a result.

In this article, we will discuss various facts about school for kids. The reasons why your parents are mostly right about school as well as why they insist on school.

Enjoy the ride as you read the article.

19 Facts About School For Kids

Tima Miroshnichenko, pexels

1. Some kids Aren’t Welcome In School

Even though, in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, all children have a right to receive education, some kids are not welcome in school.

Up to 95% of children with disabilities in the world’s poorest countries don’t go to school; they are often refused enrollment or their parents avoid school to prevent stigma.

In addition to children with disabilities, kids from different social segments or castes might be similarly discriminated against.

Furthermore, some places discourage females from attending schools and even go as far as stopping them.

According to the UNDP, one in four girls in developing countries is not in school, and a 2019 OECD report found that at the current rate of progress, it will take over 200 years—nine generations—to achieve gender equality globally.

2. Some Crises Could Disrupt School

The World outbreak of COVID-19 has made us understand how a crisis can turn the world upside down as well as affect schools

Apart from disease breakouts, some developing countries could experience various disasters such as floods, cyclones, volcanic eruptions, wide fires, earthquakes, and many more.

Some places are affected by wars and various forms of violence. At the same time, developing countries are disproportionately affected by conflict; the World Bank estimates that by 2030, up to two-thirds of the world’s extremely poor could live in conflict settings. Children in conflict-affected countries are 30% less likely to complete primary school and half as likely to complete lower-secondary school. For children, disruption to their education is one of the many impacts of natural disasters, conflicts, and other crises, and it can have devastating, lifelong effects on children and their communities by reducing their learning and literacy levels.

3. Going To School Pulls You Out From Poverty In The Long Run

Poverty is linked to low education. Poor families are usually less educated than families that are rich. Also, if you are born into a low-educated, poor family, chances are high that you too will end up low educated and poor.

To escape the poverty trap cycle, people need to gain a higher education than their parents and find upwardly mobile employment (this means jobs that help you get from the working class into the middle class)

4. When You Go To School You Must Communicate Your Needs

As a kid, you need to learn to say what you need. Don’t keep quiet and expect the teachers to know how to help you or what to help you with.

You should learn to be bold in making requests like “I would like some water, please” or “I need help with this word.”

5. In School, You Should Know How To Dress Yourself Comfortably

As a kid, you should be able to manage your clothes comfortably. You shouldn’t wait for your teacher to do everything for you, including your clothes.

In addition to clothing, you should also know how to open a juice container and unwrap your food. It’s also at this age that children learn how to tie their shoes, though some won’t get the hang of it until around age six. To be perfect at this in school, you should practice at home more frequently, and your confidence will be built.

6. In school, You Will Have To Share Your Toys

Another fact about school is that you will have to share with others. One major thing about kids is the fact that some hate to share, especially when it comes to toys and food.

But in school, you will have to share toys with others and take turns. This will help you get along well with others and help you understand teamwork as well.

7. You Will Be Given Homeworks And Projects

This is a result of the limited amount of time teachers have with students.

Assignments are also given to determine if the students understood the classroom work. This will enable the teachers to evaluate their teaching methods and improve.

Furthermore, assignments will improve your thinking and memory. It can help you develop positive study habits and skills that will serve you well throughout your life.

Homework will also teach you as a kid to use your time well as well as learn independently. It will also help with family bonding as they help you with your work.

8. In School You Would Have To Make Friends

Making friends can be quite difficult for some children. It might feel overwhelming at first, but making friends is easier than you think.

There are different tips that could help with this. It includes being inviting, smiling, and making eye contact.

You would also need to learn how to start up small conversations as well as maintain conversations.

9. Some Kids Might Experience Bullying In School

Different kids have been bullied and are bullied in school for several reasons. It could be a result of stature differences or financial differences. The bullying could be psychological, physical, or verbal. It could also involve hitting, shoving, name-calling, and threats. Any target in schools will tell you how terrifying and upsetting it could be to be bullied.

It could also lead to dampening of spirits and lowering of self-esteem. If you are a target in school, don’t see it as the end of the world; simply ignore them. It would also help if you have a friend or friends around. Especially friends that could defend you. You could also report the bully to a higher authority in school. It is important to note that being equally aggressive will not solve your problems but could make matters worse.

10. School Will Enhance Your Career Prospects

What comes to mind whenever watching cartoons or movies and you see characters that you aspire to be like, such as doctors, airline pilots, and others? The only way to get through it is by education.

In fact, a 2013 Government study on further education graduates revealed:

  • One-third secured better jobs due to their qualifications.
  • They experienced an average earnings increase of 2.75%.
  • 58% reported increased job satisfaction.
  • 80% felt improvements in happiness and self-esteem.

From these statistics, you can now understand that education will enhance your career prospects and give you a better chance at having a good life.

11. School Will Make You A Disciplined Person

As a student, you won’t spend all your day in front of the television. Neither will you spend all your day sleeping, playing, or gaming.

This is because education instills self-discipline. As a student, you will be expected to be in school early. You will be given assignments, and you will also need to follow set rules.

You would also be made to learn how to have short-term and long-term goals, and you will need discipline to achieve them. This is another fact about school for kids.

12. School Will Develop Your Sense Of Reasoning

Another important fact about school for kids is the fact that schooling will develop your sense of reasoning.

As an educated child, you will be able to listen to diverse viewpoints, analyze evidence, and make decisions that are informed.

13. School Will Make You Happy In The Long Run

Accepting the fact that school might not give you direct happiness, it could have numerous benefits that could make you a happy person in the long run.

When you are educated, your self-esteem is improved. Your career prospects will improve. These are among many other advantages. Education ultimately gives you a happier future.

14. School Will Build Your Confidence

Another fact about school for kids is that it plays a key role in building your confidence. Being involved in extracurricular activities and volunteering opportunities will groom you, develop your unique personality, and hence your confidence.

You would be able to develop various skills that would make you confident amongst your peers.

15. School Will Help You Realize Your Potential

Everyone is different, each having our own different skills and personalities. In this way, potential also differs. School will help you understand your weaknesses and strengths. Understanding this will help you build on your strengths and smooth out your weaknesses.

16. School Could Help You Understand How To Solve Your Problems

Another important fact about school for kids is the ability to learn problem-solving. In fact, it is a skill. As a growing kid, you won’t always have your parents, guardians, or elder siblings around you. So this is a skill you will need to develop. You should be able to deal with issues when they arrive. You also need to understand how to react to challenges. Do you run from them or do you face them?

17. In school, You Will Learn New Things every day.

In comparison to watching videos or gaming, school will help you learn new things that matter or will matter as you grow. This education in school will also cover various aspects of your life. From problem solving to social skills. From health education to science. From teamwork to discipline. Education exposes you to those life skills you will need.

18. School Will Teach You How To Read

One important skill you need as a kid as well as an adult is the reading skill.

Apart from just learning to read, you also get to practice daily in school. These will not make you struggle with reading or find it difficult in any way.

19. The Writing Skill

Writing is another skill you must have as a kid. You will need it in almost every stage of your life. You will need writing skills if you decide to write for people. In fact, for every work you do in the future, this skill will be needed.


After reading this article, I’m sure that you have understood various facts about school for kids. As a child, going to school is important if you want to succeed or become a responsible fellow.

Education will help you understand teamwork, it would make you independent and self-reliant. It will also help you develop various interests, confidence and a good self-esteem. So despite the fact that going to school might not be pleasurable for now, it has numerous future advantages.



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