What Is a Scholarship In College? The Ultimate Guide to College Scholarship


A scholarship is financial aid provided to a student on a particular basis, usually based on academic merit. They might be based on various eligible criteria like needs, gender, country or state of origin, race, field of study, etc.

Scholarship is a great way to assist students in getting through their education; it is usually higher education. Scholarship money is not a loan that needs to be paid back; it comes in the form tuition waivers, grants, and fellowships.

Progressively, this article will provide detailed information on what is scholarship and how does it works, and more specifically, what is a scholarship in college. Read on!

What is a scholarship in college?

As a student, who is about to enter college or is already in college, I believe you would like to know what is a scholarship in college?

Scholarships in college are awarded to relieve students of prospective and previously enrolled ones and their families from huge financial commitments of higher education. These scholarship awards can come from different bodies and organizations for both undergraduates to post graduates in colleges, universities or institutions.

Scholarships in college usually cover various costs that are typically related to higher learning from the books, lab fees, transportation, tuition, and more.

Oftentimes, a scholarship is one time payment but there are other scholarship awards that are renewable, sometimes they provide students with funds each semester or academic session either for some years or throughout the whole study duration. This means that scholarships can be fully or partially funded, which either means it would cover a fraction of all the cost.

Types Of Scholarships In College

In this article to help you get the answers you need on what is a scholarship in college? We would introduce you to the different types of scholarships in college. They include;

1. Merit-Based Scholarships

This is the most common type of scholarship in college and it is awarded to students based on their superior academic excellence, art or to other similar fields or talents.

More than how well they do in school, many students excel in specific fields and show potential that can genuinely impact society.

In recognition of this talent, many institutions offer scholarships based on research, artistic, or athletic achievements. Thus, merit-based scholarships aim to recognize the dedication and hard work of students and also to motivate others to strive hard. As a college student with the question of “what is a scholarship in college?” If you meet the eligible criteria for the merit-based scholarships, why not take a step by applying into one of them.

2. Need-based scholarships

This type of scholarship aims to support economically disadvantaged students and help break the cycle of poverty, offering the students a chance to improve not only their lives but also their community. Need-based scholarships help deserving students with low income get a good shot of higher education regardless of their economic background. Though low income is compulsory it is one of the things they look out for before awarding this scholarship.

3. Scholarships for all international students

A good number of students choose to study outside of their hometown. Institutions and organizations recognizing the value in this educational exchange, offer scholarships specifically to international students.

These scholarship awards promote international relations, cultural exchange, and also attract global talents. This gives room to a more diverse campus, where you can find different cultures, race, experiences and perspectives. Being an international student is a mandatory condition.

Language proficiency is tested if the course is in a foreign language. This is demonstrated with tests like IELTS, TOEFL, or equivalent such as; letters of recommendation: references from teachers, mentors, or professionals attesting to your potential.

Scholarship Types Based on Awarding Institutions

As a student aspiring for college or already in college and you want answers to your question of “what is a scholarship in college?” So now let’s view scholarships on those who award them. Majority of scholarships are awarded either by universities or by the government. For further understanding we would break this down for you.

1. Scholarship offered by the governments

Usually, students who receive a scholarship awarded by the government are exempted from tuition fees. Most of these scholarships last for three, six, or nine months.

2. Scholarship offered by universities

The eligible criteria by which universities offer scholarships are usually academic excellence, level of study, age limit ( the students need to be under a particular age), program of study, income, and nationality.

Furthermore, though rarely but you may find scholarships awarded by the following bodies;

  • Non-governmental organizations(NGOs) and Non-profits.
  • Cooperations and Businesses
  • Religious Organization
  • Foundations
  • Military and defense organizations
  • Professional and Trade Associations
  • Individuals
  • Cultural and Ethnic Groups
  • Sports Organizations

Scholarships Types Based On The Amount of Funding Offered

All the scholarships mentioned above can either cover the tuition fees and other expenses fully or partially. Here are the common types of this scholarships below:

1. Fully-Funded Scholarships

These types cover the entire tuition fee for an entire course duration. These types of funded  scholarships are the best, especially for students who aren’t coming from a well to do background. At Least they can be rest assured that they aren’t paying anything and still going to further their education.

2. Partially-Funded Scholarships

These scholarships only cover  a part of the tuition fee, which could be a fixed amount or a percentage of the total cost.

3. One Time Grants

These are types of funded scholarships that are in the form of a single grant which are awarded by a specific academic session or year.

4. Renewable Scholarships

These are awarded yearly, provided that the student maintains the requisite academic standard.

Other types of scholarships in college you can find includes; private scholarships, athletic scholarships, leadership scholarships, study abroad scholarships etc.

What Can A Scholarship In College Mean To a Student?

A scholarship in college can mean a whole lot to you as a college student or aspiring one. It can change the course of your entire life, especially if you are not from a well to do background. This is because various students might not be able to achieve their higher education dreams without benefitting from a scholarship due to the costs of higher education that keep rising by the day.

Most times masters (Msc)  and doctoral degrees (PhD) in certain fields are usually costly, and you might want to obtain these degrees to achieve your personal vision and goals. Getting a scholarship in college can grant you that opportunity.

Also, winning merit-based scholarships usually motivates you to do better since you have to continually make high grades to sustain these scholarships. This ultimately shows in a brilliant result which improves your chances of employment and career progression when you eventually graduate.

A Scholarship in college also offers you opportunities to travel and explore other countries, and continents. You might not leave your locality for all of your life, all other things being equal. International scholarships help you meet new people and cultures from across the globe in order for you to learn and gain exposure as well.

For example, as an Asian or African student, you can get to visit and study in the United States of America or Europe via a scholarship. This is an event that is capable of changing your worldview and life forever.

How To Apply For A Scholarship in College

Here is a step-by-step process to get a scholarship award in college.

1. Check for the eligibility criteria

Every scholarship has a specific criteria, which ranges from having academic excellence to extracurricular involvement and also financial need.

You must carefully review the eligibility requirements of each scholarship you see before giving your time in the application process. Some of the scholarships may include performance requirements, such as maintaining a particular GPA throughout your studies.

2. Keep Track Of The Scholarships Deadline

Make sure you don’t wait until the eleventh hour to embark on your scholarship search. Endeavor to start the process at least a month before the application deadline.

This will give you enough time to gather necessary materials, craft compelling essays, and seek guidance from mentors or counselors.

Note: It would interest you to know that most scholarship deadlines fall between September and May. Though it doesn’t go the same for all scholarships.

3. Get Ready Your Necessary Documents

Most scholarships In college may require; high school transcripts or diploma, letters of recommendation, parents tax receipts(though this is peculiar to some scholarships), a resume etc.

4. Write An Outstanding Scholarship Essay

Writing an outstanding scholarship essay is a chance to impress the scholarship committee and this shows that you’re skilled and brilliant beyond academics. Here are a few simple tips to make sure you smash your essay:

  • Prioritize deadlines
  • Follow the instructions
  • Create an outline
  • Put in personal narratives
  • Show them, don’t just tell them.
  • Revise and seek feedback from your friends or loved ones.
  • Proofread or get someone to proofread for you.

5. Submit Your Application

Double-check and proofread your essay, make sure you have all the necessary paperwork, and ensure the application form is fully filled out. Since your scholarship application is crucial, take a moment to carefully review all your documents before hitting the submit button.

Why Will a Scholarship Be Terminated?

A scholarship provider might stop or terminate a scholarship if the scholarship student gets involved in some illegal activities, inappropriate lavishness of the provided funds or drop in academic performance.

Final Words

We hope you’ve been cleared on what a scholarship in college is, the benefits you stand to gain when you are awarded a scholarship, especially if you’re not from a well to do background, it helps you further your education to the highest level and that is why you are encouraged to seek and apply for scholarships.

As stated above in this article, there are various types of scholarships in college that you can apply for, just know the one that fits you best. We were sure to also bring to you the steps on how to apply for a scholarship in college. We hope that this article was able to show you and make you understand What Is A Scholarship In College.


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