What Is A Scholarship And How Does It Work?


Scholarships open the doors to countless potential life transforming opportunities for many students. Students possess the ability to dream and aspire for greatness, but sometimes, the goal would remain largely distant for these great students if these scholarship structures are not put into place to bridge the gap between aspirations and future accomplishments.

Every year, countless scholarships are given. Ranging from merit-based recognition to subject-specific grants and so on, the various types of scholarships instill a seed of hope in the hearts of students that maybe, just one day, their dreams will come true.

This essay covers the nitty-gritty of the scholarship process, its various types, application processes, and the profound benefits they offer. Hopefully, at the end of this essay, we will come to understand just how much impact scholarships can make in the lives of students, how they bring them into excellence, and ultimately grant tickets for success.

Types of Scholarships

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1. Merit Based Scholarships

As the name implies, these kinds of scholarships are offered to students for work well done. They are awarded to high achievers, students with exceptional skills or talents, and students who show dedication as well as hard work. They are not given to just any student. Discriminatory as you may see it, exceptional students are deserving of exceptional awards, aren’t they?

These forms of scholarships are said to account for a huge portion of the $6 billion for private scholarship aid awarded every year in the United States of America, according to the College Board (College Board, n.d.). In Nigeria, the Federal Government Scholarship Scheme (FGSS) Reward is a form of merit-based scholarship that is also offered to exceptional students.

2. Need-Based Scholarships

As all fingers are not equal, some students carry a bigger financial burden. To bring some degree of equity and equality into the world of education, these scholarships are offered.

An example of a need-based scholarship is the MTN Foundation Scholarship Scheme, the Jackie Robinson Foundation Scholarship, the Dream U.S Opportunity Scholarship, etc., which extends a helping hand to students in tertiary institutions who need financial help.

3. Minority Scholarships

These are made available to cater for students in underrepresented groups, such as people in rural areas, people living with disabilities, people of color, immigrants, refugees and so on. This group of people encounter unique hindrances such as language, religious, and financial barriers which limit their access to scholarships.

For instance, the Gates Millennium Scholars program has provided over 2000 scholarships to students of color since it’s inception (Gates Millennium Scholars Program, n.d.)

The Niger Delta Development Commission was put in place to enable students who originate from the Niger Delta region to have access to quality education.

4. Athletic Scholarships

“Champions aren’t made in the gyms. They are made from something larger that they have deep within them—a desire, a dream, a  vision.” Muhammad Ali (World Heavyweight Champion Boxer)

Because of the need to juggle their academics with sports, these students cultivate discipline and the ability to manage time effectively. These skills make them very promising; therefore, it is important to motivate and provide opportunities for student-athletes so they can pursue higher education while continuing to develop their athletic skills.

For example; The Nigerian University Games Association (NUGA) offers scholarships to students who participate in tertiary education sports competitions (Nigerian University Games Association, n.d.). Some other athletic scholarships include; Foot Locker Scholar Athletes Program, American Legion Baseball Scholarship, Michael Moody Fitness Scholarship, e.t.c.

5. Subject Specific Scholarships

These scholarships are given to students who excel in particular areas of study. A grant such as this will enable them to pursue and delve deeper into study, especially in those specific areas.

The Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC) is an example of a corporation that, over the years, has generously contributed vastly to the issuance of grants such as this to students, particularly in engineering and technology (Shell Petroleum Development Company, n.d.).

How Scholarships Work

1. Application Process

To obtain a scholarship, a sequence of procedures needs to be followed diligently. This includes the submission of past academic records, letters of recommendation, and proof of financial insufficiency. Although the above shows the baseline, the acquisition of a scholarship may include more or less, depending on the type of scholarship.

2. Eligibility Criteria

The eligibility for any scholarship depends largely on the type of scholarship. Therefore, while some may be based on academic excellence, others are based on athletic activities.

3. Selection and Award

Here, a committee chooses winners based on the scholarship criteria, and then the award is given to the winning students.

Benefits of Scholarships

1. Financial Aid

Primarily, all scholarships offer financial help to the students in question. Apart from the immediate and obvious benefits of financial aid, such as enabling equality and equity in acquiring education and relieving students of financial burden, a long-term benefit this affords students is an escape from potential consumer debt, such as student loans, something that many people remain unable to pay for a vast majority of their lives.

2. Access to Better Education

It is true that quality education may be somewhat tied to economic strata. The more you have, the better quality of education you’ll be able to provide for your children. The right to a quality education is an empowerment right. A right that can only make sense when the vulnerable and marginalized populations are given the same access as people considered to be of higher caste.

3. Motivation

The acquisition of the scholarship you’ve always wanted allows you to think that you can do even better. It is said that success is built easily on already-established success. This means it’s easier to succeed when you have done it in the past. Scholarships motivate you to work even harder.

4. Mentorship and Networking Opportunities

The journey to scholarship is hard, requiring you to push yourself the hardest in terms of discipline, diligence, and dedication. A mentor becomes your compass in such a time as this, providing you with encouragement, support, and insight. This support not only helps you through the journey but also allows you networking opportunities.

Challenges in Securing a Scholarship:

1. Competition

Because of how much scholarship is sought after, there is the problem of limited spaces, and this makes it very hard for students who are good to acquire one.

2. Application Process

The application process can be daunting as students are often asked to write lengthy essays, which may consume time and energy and may end up deterring them.

3. Eligibility Criteria

If requirements are strict, opportunities may be blocked, and students may be discouraged.

Tips for Applying for Scholarships

1. Conduct Proper Research

This is a very important step. Here, you sieve out the various scholarship opportunities to identify scholarships that will match what you have in mind, also considering your qualifications. Subscribing to newsletters that send daily scholarship news and utilizing online data, resources, and publications are awesome places to start in your search for a scholarship opportunity.

2. Curation of a Good Application

Your application must be compelling enough to make them want to choose you. Here, you are allowed to share your achievements, goals, and aspirations and show them how deserving you are of this scholarship opportunity. Ensure you write your application with the specific type of scholarship you’re applying for in mind.

3. Personal Statement

Just as the name suggests, here you are given the chance to tell your personal story. Personal stories are what make us all so different from each other; this is your opportunity to showcase your individuality to the issuer of the scholarship. Remember to be authentic, stay engaged, and let your passion and dedication shine through the white leaves of the paper.

4. Effective Letters of Recommendation

Your letter must be written strongly, reflecting your strengths and achievements. This means that you must reach out to a recommender who will write a strong letter of recommendation for you.

How Scholarships Mold Society

The advent of scholarships brought light to an otherwise shady world. In a world where only those who were fairly well off or who were born with a golden spoon in their mouths were advantaged enough to go to school.

As we empower students through different forms of scholarship, we foster innovation, enable the development and growth of communities, and ensure equality across all socioeconomic strata.

Future of Scholarships

As we look to the future, we see that investing in scholarships will cause a significant skyrocket in the productivity of nations just because of human resource empowerment.

Therefore, we must leverage technology to ease the application process, raise awareness, increase funding for underrepresented and vulnerable groups and ensure that the banner of scholarships continues to fly high to enable a bright future for all.


Scholarships are far more than a help to the needy; they are an instrument that constantly leads and brings a staggering nation into the light. As more and more students are eased from the financial burden that tertiary education may impose, they receive the mental clarity to think about the things that truly matter and ultimately contribute to the development of nations.

They can focus on studying and achieving their goals. It is clear to see that the continued availability of scholarships makes them an investment in the future and creates pathways for success, progress, and growth for society.

Through scholarships, we can reduce inequality in education acquisition, build the morale of winning applicants, restore hope to the otherwise hopeless, and raise students who are diligent, dedicated, and hardworking.

Scholarships are indeed golden tickets to a better education and life and an ignitor of passion in the hearts of students. Through its entire demanding and otherwise rigorous application process, students are built up to be stronger and never-backing-down individuals.

The essay above covered the different types of scholarships, the step-by-step process of how scholarships work, the benefits of getting a scholarship, the challenges in securing one, tips for scholarship applications, and finally, the future of scholarships.




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